Tutoring in Cologne

We offer professional tutoring in Cologne in all subjects and years. Here you will find all information at a glance.

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Finally progress in Mathematics, English and many more subjects.

The academic challenges can quickly become overwhelming for students. Individual tutoring allows every student to reach their full potential.

Tutoring in Cologne at a glance

For students in Cologne we are available on site and online at all times.

Primary School

Click here for more information

Take action before ambition turns into frustration! We offer reliable tutoring for all grades from years 1-5.


LeviThias Mathe Nachhilfe und Deutsch Nachhilfe in Zwenkau für Grundschüler persönlich

Secondary school

Click here for more information

During the secondary years, students learn many important basics for their future school career. Individual tutoring makes the difference between solving and understanding these concepts and lays the foundation for long term success.

LeviThias Online Nachhilfe in Mathematik zu Hause

High School

Click here for more information.

No matter where the journey goes afterwards, the german Abitur poses many challenges. To avoid stressful situations in preparation for the BLF or exam period we advise to start earlier rather than late. Turn academic anxiety into self-confidence going into the final years. 

LeviThias Nachhilfe in Mathe und Physik zu Hause

Job Training and University

Click here for more information.

If you have decided on a path which requires mathematics in some form, be sure that it is only going to get more complex going forward. Learning about the mathematics that plays a role in your future job can be exciting yet exhausting. We are here to strengthen your back!

LeviThias Nachhilfe für Studenten in Mathematik

Our tutoring offer in Cologne

We provide tutoring in all subjects for all years as well as regular crash courses and exam preparation.

Tutoring in Mathematics

The classic: Didn't pay attention in class for 5 minutes and now only seeing numbers and letters? We're here to help!

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Tutoring in English

Our students enjoy excellent preparation before any tests or exams, which shows in the grades they receive! Become an English-Pro step by step.

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And many more subjects

Professional tutorship ensures more academic freedom in all subjects like: Physics! Chemistry! Biology! German! Awaken your child's interest in academics!

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What can you expect from LeviThias tutoring in Cologne?

  • In person and online tutoring
  • Free trial lesson in Cologne to get to know your tutor
  • Individual work-ups and an in depth look at relevant topics
  • Private, double and group lessons 
  • Check-In for upcoming tests or exams
  • Comprehensive preparation for midterm and end of year exam periods (BLF, Haupt- and Realschulabschluss, Abitur and university modules)
  • 24/7 WhatsApp support

On the phone we can discuss needs and goals of your children in detail and set a date for the free lesson. Click here to request one of our experienced tutors without any commitment. We will be in touch within 24h.

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Nachhilfeunterricht in Köln

Die Stadt Köln ist von einem multikulturellen und vielseitigen Stadtbild geprägt und bietet den Einwohnern zahlreiche Möglichkeiten in Punkto Kultur und Freizeit. Wer da in Schule oder Studium nicht mehr mitkommt, der ist hier genau richtig! In der deutschen Hauptstadt des Karneval bieten wir zuverlässige Online Nachhilfe in allen Klassenstufen und Fächern an. Egal ob zu Hause auf dem Sofa oder Unterwegs im ICE - unsere Online Nachhilfe Lehrer sind jederzeit und überall verfügbar.

Online Nachhilfe starten

LeviThais Nachhilfe Standort Köln

Locations of LeviThias tutoring 

We provide professional personal Tutoring in Berlin, Munich, Leipzig and many more places! Online Tutoring allows us to help students score academic successes all over Germany!

Tutoring in Berlin

In the German capital we support students from all ages in their academic journey. Individual and reliable!

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Tutoring in Leipzig

For over 4 years we offer tutoring from the comfort of your home. Our great network allows support in all Subjects and classes.

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Online Tutoring

Flexibility is our middle name. Care to try out online tutoring?

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Numbers und Facts

Experience that LeviThias tutors bring to the table


Years active in Cologne


Successful graduates in Cologne


Total hours of tutoring in Cologne

Collect your free lessons in Cologne now!

Use this voucher to get 2 free lessons instead of 1 in Cologne! Sign up now without committing and convince yourself.

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How to find LeviThias Tutoring offline in Zwenkau

Come by personally! Our Headquarters are at Grüne Gasse 4, 04442 Zwenkau. Only 10 minutes by foot from the bus stops "Am Bahnhof" and "Zur Kotzschbarhöhe"!


Any questions? Let us know!

We are constantly striving to improve our tutoring-concept and your comment or question will make the difference! Clear communication is part of our vision. Do not hesitate to contact us!
