Maths Tutoring in Markkleeberg
In the beautiful lakeside town of Markkleeberg our tutors work with students from all age groups.
Who can benefit from tutoring in Maths?
Take action before ambition turns into frustration! We offer reliable tutoring for all grades from years 1-5.
During the secondary years, students learn many important basics for their future school career. Individual tutoring makes the difference between solving and understanding these concepts and lays the foundation for long term success.
No matter where the journey goes afterwards, the german Abitur poses many challenges. To avoid stressful situations in preparation for the BLF or exam period we advise to start earlier rather than late. Turn academic anxiety into self-confidence going into the final years.
Click here for more information.
If you have decided on a path which requires mathematics in some form, be sure that it is only going to get more complex going forward. Learning about the mathematics that plays a role in your future job can be exciting yet exhausting. We are here to strengthen your back!
Apart from tutoring in Leipzig, students can access LeviThias tutoring from all over the world via online lessons. Click here to see all locations in an overview!
In the beautiful lakeside town of Markkleeberg our tutors work with students from all age groups.
Reliable public transport allows us to offer personal tutoring in all of Leipzig!
What can you expect from LeviThias tutoring?
On the phone we can discuss needs and goals of your children in detail and set a date for the free lesson. Click here to request one of our experienced tutors without any commitment. We will be in touch within 24h.
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In our opinion the right motivation is the borderstone in success. That motivation may be a better grade, a stress free exam period or simply understanding a complex topic. Mathematics can be tough, but within the first few lessons the students learn that behind what seems to be an impassable wall hides a world that just waiting to be understood. When you flip the perspective, all of a sudden success seems reachable.
Improvement happens step by step. This is why our tutors set short and long term goals with each student to keep them motivated and on track. When setting goals we value the student's personal endeavours and build on top of them. Our goal is to set yours where it should be.
When going down any path, there will be turns, bumps in the road and dead ends. It's not hard to lose your way and give up. From experience we have seen that slowing down sometimes to take a look around is necessary for progress down the road. Likewise, if the road is clear ahead there's no reason not to pick up the pace. Especially in mathematics topics can be of varying difficulty and require the right amount of time spent to persistently make progress. We offer our students 24/7 WhatsApp support to prevent small hick-ups outside of the lessons from becoming frustrating.
Once the students have achieved their first goals along their journey the problems seemingly get easier. Tests, quizzes and even exams become more trivial. Understanding core topics not only leads to better grades but also leaves more room for more questions in the future. We strive to challenge every single one of our students to find their true potential.
We are a Team of under- and postgraduates from in and around Leipzig. Our modern concept and holistic approach allow for long term improvements in the student's Math grades. The most important thing: Enjoying the process of learning. Find out which tutors are available now!
Our Team
Use this voucher to get 2 free lessons instead of 1 in Mathematics! Sign up now without committing and convince yourself.
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Alongside our long term partners we strive to improve and optimise the tutoring world.
Come by personally! Our Headquarters are at Grüne Gasse 4, 04442 Zwenkau. Only 10 minutes by foot from the bus stops "Am Bahnhof" and "Zur Kotzschbarhöhe"!
We are constantly striving to improve our tutoring-concept and your comment or question will make the difference! Clear communication is part of our vision. Do not hesitate to contact us!